The reduce() method of an array executes a reducer function on each element of the array and returns a single output value.

With each execution, that returned value is added to the previous returned value in a variable named the accumulator. An initial value like 0 can be supplied, but, if it is not, the first value of the array is used. The method returns the final value of the accumulator.

    const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];

    const initialValue = 0;
    const sum = numbers.reduce((accumulator, element) =>
        accumulator + element, initialValue

    // 10

    // a common, more-advanced example
    // sum a property in an array of objects
    const snacks = [
      { name: 'chips', price: 3.2 },
      { name: 'pop', price: 2.5 },
      { name: 'gum', price: 1.5 },

    const totalPrice = snacks.reduce((accumulator, snack) =>
      accumulator + snack.price, 0);

    // 7.2

    // a common, more-advanced example
    // reduce can be used to group arrays - initial value is an empty object
    // but groupBy() is the newer way to do this
    const products = [
      { name: 'apples', category: 'fruits' },
      { name: 'oranges', category: 'fruits' },
      { name: 'potatoes', category: 'vegetables' }

    const productsByCategory = products.reduce((group, product) => {
      const { category } = product;
      group[category] = group[category] ?? [];
      return group;
    }, {});

       'fruits': [
         { name: 'apples', category: 'fruits' },
         { name: 'oranges', category: 'fruits' },
       'vegetables': [
         { name: 'potatoes', category: 'vegetables' }