This site documents the API's of some of the main languages & technologies used to make the Internet.
Languages: I am Andrew Koper, a cyber-entrepreneur, inventor, technologist, educator and social-entrepreneur in Detroit, Michigan.After many years of programming many web applications, I saw how there were so many languages, technologies and packages used to make applications, and they each had so many objects, methods and properties, it was hard to memorize everything. It was common to look things up, and, while there are lots of web pages and resources online for all of them, they could be better.
That is why I made Hopefully, this is a powerful, valuable tool for developers. When you're developing an application, you are under a lot of stress and time pressure (how many points is that ticket?). When you need to know how something works, you want the answer *fast* - you don't have time to read five screens of rambling background information.
Hopefully, this allows you to get or keep a $75,000/year job, get or keep a $100,000/year job, make an application that costs a million dollars or make an application that makes billions of dollars.
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Some content on this site is by Mozilla Contributors under the CC-BY-SA 2.5 license which allows the adapting of the material for any purpose.
I also want to buy an old building in Detroit and rehab it into a technology startup incubator. Tech world: put me in touch with Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Steve Ballmer, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.